Would you believe?

Here it is the fourth week in January and Wal-mart has tomato plants. It’s the single pot variety of plants which cost more than the six packs and don’t cut the mustard as far as the gardening guru from Highlands is concerned. Just don’t have the luck with planting them compared to the multi-plant sets he said.
Manage to get two bundles of the onion, one Texas 1015 and Georgia Sweets AKA Vidalia’s from the Wal-mart this morning. Kills my back to plant them thangs but they are so good once the tops dry out.
The guru will have tomatoes in the ground next month if you can believe it. I’ve seen it, fact. Tis!
Speaking of believing and there bouts:
Would you believe?
Coca-Cola was originally green?
Moons ago in Scotland the game called “Gentlemen Only.. .Ladies Forbidden” was invented, thus the word GOLF came about.

In the 1400’s, a man couldn’t beat his wife with a stick any bigger than his thumb. Then ya got, “the rule of thumb.” That don’t work at our house, she’ll hit back or says, “you got to go to sleep sometime.”
It’s impossible to lick your elbow.
The cost of raising a medium-size dog to eleven years old will run you over $16,000.00.
If a statue in the park of a person on a horse has both front feet in the air, the person died in battle. If the hoss has one front leg up, the person died because of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, they died of natural causes.
Back in poetic times, mattresses were secured on bed frames by rope; just like a sailor’s rack. When you pulled on the ropes, the mattresses tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase.. .”Goodnight, sleep tight.”
In the ole bars when one had too many pints and quarts, the old bartender told them in a loud voice, “Mind your pints and quarts and settle down.” Then you get the phrase “mind your P’s and Q’s’.
Those days are dead and gone but it’s the new age.
The age when you have more Pin’s than you can remember; not to mention passwords.
I’ve tried to use my phone as the mouse many times and vise versa.
Your phone book is your cell phone.
You’ve entered phone numbers on your keyboard in lieu of your phone.
Had to use another phone to call your cell phone so you could locate where you left it.
Finally leam how to text message someone.
Call someone in the house to come help tote in the groceries.
Send personal emails on company computer,
Oops, NOT!