Free window stickers available for safety

EAST ALDINE– The Public Safety committee of the East Aldine Management District has a new tool to protect the lives of our residents, according to EAMD Director of Services Richard Cantu.

The “People Locator” is an adhesive type sticker that people can put in the windows of their homes, displayed toward the street, so public safety officials such as sheriff’s deputies and fire department and EMS personnel can know that someone in the house requires assistance in case of an emergency.

Typically this would be an elderly person, or a pre-school child that is still at home and might need assistance to vacate the house in case of a fire or other emergency.

Cantu said these stickers are available for free at the District offices, 5333 Aldine Mail Route, next to Jed’s Hardware store.

Local fire and emergency departments are cooperating in their distribution and in answering distress calls related to their display.