Texas School of Business (TSB) President and CEO, Kevin Keller, is pleased to announce the Schools continued participation in the Career Colleges and Schools of Texas (CCST) Scholarship Program. A total of $6 million in scholarships will be made available to all 1,500 public and private high schools in the state, Each school will receive four $1000 Scholarship Certificates to be awarded to any 2002 high school graduate. Certificates will then be honored toward tuition at any of the career schools participating in the program. Interested students should inquire about the Scholarship at the counseling office of their school,
We are excited to be involved in the CCST Scholarship Program. It is a great way to get career-oriented high school graduates started on the road to succcessful careers, while they receive financial assistance with the tuition, said Keller. All three of our campuses offer course curriculum in the high-demand computer and medical fields. These are excellent career opportunities for many high school graduates.
CCST, based in Austin, is a self-regulatory body of private career schools licensed by the Texas Workfcrce Commission. The program of its member organizations are designed to provide needed skills in the shortest time possible for available jobs.
For information about TSB call l-800-555-8012.