Northside 2000, Inc. and the National L.U.L.A.C. announced the first in a series of four housing workshops they will sponsor in Houston. The housing workshop will be for families interested in purchasing their first home.
The workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, June 4 at St. Charles Catholic Church, 501 Tidwell, in Houstons north side. The session will begin at 6:30 pm. and will be in Spanish and English.
At the workshop, individuals will receive information about a city program which assists prospective homebuyers with $3,500 to $9,000 grants to be used for down payment and closing costs on used or new homes. The workshop will also include information for new immigrants wanting to purchase a home.
The workshops are the result of Washington Mutual Banks continuing program to be directly involved with Hispanic projects in Houston.
Louis Adame, spokesperson for the National L.U.L.A.C. office said, Since moving to Texas, Washington Mutual has increased its support of community projects. Like L.U.L.A.C., it recognizes the need for first time homeownership, as being a priority.
Patricia Rodriguez, of Northside 2000, a community based nonprofit, indicated there will be others participating in the program. Some people may not even a have a vacant lot in mind, but we expect to have at least one developer present that has vacant lots available.
The workshop is free and open to the public. For informatio about the housing workshop, call the Northside 2002 offices at 713-862-9686.