Sheriff’s office nabs coveted CALEA accreditation status

Sheriff Tommy Thomas is proud to announce that the Harris County Sheriff’s Office has been awarded accredited status through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA).

With this highly coveted professional designation, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office becomes the largest Sheriff’s Office in the nation and the largest law enforcement agency in the state of Texas to receive accreditation.

After a thorough on-site examination of all aspects of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, including policy and procedures, management, support services, and operations, CALEA officials noted that “the agency is a full service law enforcement agency dating back to a time before Texas was a part of the United States. It has evolved into a modern agency that enjoys a great deal of citizen trust and support.” The assessors found the members of the agency, both sworn and nonsworn, to be “enthusiastic and highly cooperative.”

In completing its final report to the Commission, CALEA officials recommended that the Harris County Sheriff’s Office receive full accreditation status and concluded that, “The assessors feel that Sheriff Thomas has fully embraced the concepts of accreditation and his agency is recommended for approval.”

At the 2002 CALEA international conference, the Harris County Sheriff’s Office was awarded the designation as an “Internationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency.”

Sheriff Thomas is so proud of the accomplishments of his employees and their dedication to professional excellence that he has ordered the CALEA accreditation logo be displayed on Sheriff’s Office patrol vehicles.