By GILBERT HOFFMAN, editor, NorthEast News
Crime, calls for service to HPD, and environmental problems are high on the list of items reviewed and acted on every month, according to Rhonda Jackson, administrative assistant to Congressman Green.
Also discussed were progress at Greens Bayou, which is a Corps of Engineers project, and Halls Bayou, which is not currently a federal project, according to Green. He hoped that his Town Hall Meetings in Feb/Mar will address this issue of flooding in Halls Bayou, with the hope of moving toward a funding method. He noted that during last years Alison Flood, the area east of US59 had 56 of rain, which had to drain through these two bayous.
Green meets with the community monthly, on the second or third monday of the month, at 8:30 am at 10960 North Freeway. Present at last months meeting were representatives of HUD, State Representative Kevin Baileys office, Houston Police Department, and Civic organizations. Next months meeting is scheduled for Jan. 13th.
Statistics were reviewed on calls for service, to determine which addresses and apartment complexes appear to be improving on their safety and crime calls to HPD. These calls include loud noise, disturbance, and theft cases, according to the police.
HPD stated that they will have 3 more officers assigned to the day shift in 2003, which will be used to improve service on these types of calls.
For the year to date period, through October, calls at Woods of Greenbriar were down 17%, and at Oak Leaf were up 85%. These were extremes, with 19 apartment complexes being monitored.
In violent crime stats, the most calls were reported at Oak Leaf, and in property loss calls, the most were reported at Casa Verde.
In related matters, Green has announced his schedule of public Town Meetings to be held in February and March.