Community members met to discuss groundwater contamination near the Eastex Freeway and Hartwick.
Aldine ISD hosted a city-wide conference on student race relations.
Alberto Gonzalez, an Aldine ISD alum, was confirmed as the first Hispanic U.S. Attorney General.
Northline Mall announced plans to demolish the existing structure and replace it with an open air shopping center.
Aldine FFA students earned $84,800 at the 46th annual project show.
Houston ISD superintendent Abe Saavedra announced the district would seek outside help for Sam Houston, Kashmere, and Yates High Schools. Parents voice opposition.
Aldine community groups petition to save METROs Route 54 bus line.
Houston Texan and Aldine ISD alum Aaron Glenn donated $15,000 to the Aldine Scholarship Fund.
Smiley High creates the first teen Community Emergency Response Team.
Habitat for Humanity built is 500th house in Houston. The home was built in the Wood Glen subdivision where more than 200 Habitat houses have been built.
Aldine ISD is named a Broad Prize finalist for the second consecutive year.
The water line project for Inwood Place received an $80,000 boost with a grant from the Harris-Galveston Coastal Subsidence District.
A Teague Middle School student brought a gun to school.
Houston ISD decided to retain the principals at Sam Houston and Yates but replaced half the teachers.
Aldine YOUTH opened the Youth School of Business and Renewed Blessings Resale shop on the centers 15th anniversary.
Houston ISD fired two former Bowie Elementary teachers because they helped students cheat on the 2004 TAKS test.
METROs new Route 59 along Aldine Mail began service.
North Forest ISD approved school consolidation and a new administration building. The distribt also swore in three new board members: Jarvis Jermaine Clark, Charles H. Taylor, and T. Marie McCall.
Smiley High School biology teacher, Melvin Johnson, was indicted for possessing and receiving child pornography.
Scenic Woods Library opened after being closed two and a half years for renovations.
The owners of Chinese Wok on Aldine Mail Rt. were arrested for illegally smuggling immigrants from Mexico and making them work at the restaurant for slave wages.
Two Aldine ISD trustees, Steve Mead and Art Murillo, were robbed at gun point in the district offices parking lot following a meeting.
Two Aldine High students admitted to torching the car of their chemistry teacher in exchange for passing grades.
North Forest community gave support to the proposed Royal Oaks Terrace subdivision. The project calls for 64 homes to be built near Homestead and Tatenhaun.
A sheriffs deputy shot and killed a deputy constable when he was mistaken for the fleeing suspect.
A tip from Americas Most Wanted helped police catch a suspect in the abduction and rape of a 12-year-old at the Fiesta on Airline.
Developers met with community organizations to discuss the creation of Wayside Village, a proposed housing development to contain 1,600 new homes near East Little York.
Area citizens stepped up to aid victims of hurricane Katrina.
Local stores ran out of water, gas, and supplies as Houston braced for Hurricane Rita. Evacuees clogged I 45 and Highway 59 as they tried to leave town.
Airline Improvement District tax approved by voters.
Broad prize awards Aldine ISD $125,000 in scholarship monies.
Aldine YOUTH receives new parking lot.
Landvest announced plans to build 200 homes near Aldine Bender and Lee Road.
Emmett Hill resigns from Aldine school board due to health concerns.
ACORN Housing announced plans to build 89 homes near Mesa and Tidwell.
Seven of nine constitutional amendments passed, Adrian Garcia was reelected to District H.
High Meadows Library reopened after being closed eight months for remodeling.
The Texas Art Education Association named MacArthur art teacher, Michael Hall, best art teacher in the state.
Jarvis Johnson was elected as council member for district B after a run off election against Felicia Galloway-Hall.
North Forest ISD reinstated superintendent Dr. James Simpson after he was placed on temporary paid suspension in November.
Aldine ISDs board of trustees chose Dr. Alton Smith to replace Emmett Hill.
MacArthur alum Phanta Jack Phoummarath died during a fraternity hazing at the University of Texas.