APPLE = Aldine Produces Performance and Learning Excellence
ALDINE – In preparation for the Back to School events, the Aldine school district every year holds a warm-up type of fun-filled, light hearted celebration of the achievements of the district last year and the upcoming year, too. This is known as the “Apple Celebration,” and was held last Thursday as a luncheon in the Campbell Center. Attending were teachers, administrators, school board, education foundation members, and business partners of the district.
The event started with the tradition of Superintendent Wanda Bamberg reading a children’s book with an “apple” theme.
This year it was “Bad Apple”, by Edward Hemingway, the grandson of Ernest Hemingway. With humor and wit, Bamberg read the story of a friendship between a little green worm and its host, a red apple, and how their friendship overcame bullying and cliches from the other fruit.
Next came a slide presentation of the accomplishments of the district in the last school year, and projections of an even better year coming up. These include a balanced budget, the establishment of an Education Foundation that was able to award $6555 in grants to teachers for innovation, and 139 scholarships to seniors for use in colleges of their choice.
Other highlights of her presentation included how an energy survey had saved the district almost $1 million dollars in electric costs, how the Child Nutrition Department has started a universal free breakfast for all children, and other department accomplishments.
Next, the Child Nutrition Department put on a skit, based on the Wizard of Oz. The story was changed to reflect how the district has dealth with new regulations for Food Service, and of course with the help of the wizard the department successfully implemented the new program.
After the enjoyable tongue in cheek skit, the fun continued with an art contest. Rose Avalos had offered a million dollars to the attendee with the most outstanding and unusual artwork – a modification of old masters by pasting or drawing new elements over the old familiar images – which was facilitated by Joey Doyle and a kit of parts at each table to cut and paste and mark on copied art paintings such as the Mona Lisa, etc.
And so after much fun, and some serious figures, the district employees presented superintendent Wanda Bamberg with a beautiful big bouquet of flowers as a thank-you for her leadership.