NORTHEAST – The HCEC (Harris County Emergency Corps), who runs the ambulance and EMS service for the Aldine area, has proposed a new home visitation service for “frequent users” of the 9-1-1 system in all of Harris County. The goal is to reduce the unnecessary 9-1-1 call utilization. HCEC will identity and enroll residents who qualify for this service in a CHP or Community Health Paramedic Program, which will initiate weekly visits to the homes of persons with health needs. Then they will provide education, medical evaluation, ensure medication and treatment compliance, and in the process reduce the number of unnecessary ambulance calls and emergency room visits.
Residents within ESD#1 and the East Aldine District would not be charged for these services.
When enrolled, patients will receive weekly home visits by a paramedic for the first month.
HCESD#1 has budgeted $144,204 for the first year of this program, and has received a grant from the East Aldine District for $60,000 toward expenses. The balance will come from grants and other sources, they said.
In their presentation to the District, HCEC said they responded to 18, 792 calls for service in a year’s time, and that 6180 of these came from the East Aldine area. Of those, 40% or 2927 were repeat users, that would qualify for this service in lieu of ambulance transport or EMS help.
HCEC hopes to reduce unnecessary calls by up to 85%, in line with national studies.
In approving the grant, EAD president David Hawes noted that this service is within the goals of the district, to improve the quality of life for residents.