Aldine ISD will open its newest educational facility on January 19 when the Aldine Educational Center (AEC) opens its doors.
The 109,000 square-foot facility is located on Aldine Bender Road across the street from the M.O Campbell Educational Center.
The new facility, built with funds from the 2007 bond referendum, will provide services for students in grades 2-12. The staff will oversee three separate programs; GAP, the district’s Alternative Education Center (formerly COMPASS) and Tier 1.
Principal James Metcalf is excited about the state-of -the-art facility and believes the new surroundings will be a big benefit to Aldine students who experience behavioral issues.
“Environment is a major contributor to learning and learned behavior,” Metcalf said. “I feel strongly this new building will have a positive impact on the attitude of our students. The students who come to us have obviously made some kind of mistake in order to end up with us, but we are showing them that we still value them greatly simply by providing them with this nice new facility.”
Metcalf said AEC students will have access to outstanding technology at their disposal. Every classroom has built-in projection monitors, a computer center, and individual student Chrome books and iPads.
“Instruction at AEC will move to its highest level of technology with the use of building-wide Wi-Fi and each instructional program has the best educational software programs our vendors have to offer,” Metcalf said.
AEC will offer its students Schoology, McCraw-Hill on-line textbooks, Brainpop, Edginuity and an Aldine on-line library featuring AISD’s best teachers who will present lessons in all academic areas.
“Technology is booming with our youth today, and AEC plans to ‘boom’ right along with them,” Metcalf said.
The AEC will have its own cafeteria, library and gym. In addition, high school students will have their own wing on one side of the building, while elementary, intermediate and middle school students will have their own wing on the other side of the building.
Metcalf added the AEC will have a state-of-the-art technology for instruction and safety.
Metcalf said after spending years in modular buildings at their former location on Lauder Road, he and his staff are quite excited about the move to the new building.
“The staff at AEC has shared nothing but excitement,” Metcalf said. “We are working hard right now to make the move and we wouldn’t have the energy to make this happen while closing out the first semester without feeding off of our excitement. I am flat out tickled about the move. I am excited about the things we can accomplish with our students in this new building with all that it comes with. We are fully equipped to provide the very best for the students we receive and I know I have the right people on staff who will take full advantage of what Aldine ISD has provided. I am also honored to be the first principal to serve this building.”