On Sunday, April 15, a dedication ceremony was held to honor Aldine ISD Superintendent Dr. Wanda Bamberg. The ceremony took place at the facility named in her honor, the Dr. Wanda Bamberg Professional Development and Resource Center, located at 9999 Veterans Memorial.
Dr. Bamberg is retiring after devoting 36 years to the students and staff of Aldine ISD. She began her career in Aldine ISD in 1982 as a seventh- and eighth-grade reading teacher at Hoffman Middle School. She spent five years in the classroom before joining the administrative team as a program director of middle school language arts, director of curriculum and instruction, executive director of curriculum and instruction, assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction, and in 2007 she was named Superintendent of Schools, a post she has held for the last 11 years.
Current and former Board members, administrators, principals and staff attended the dedication ceremony. Joining current Board members were former Trustees A.W. Jones, Rick Ogden, Marine Jones, Alton Smith, Sarah Hill, the wife of former Trustee Emmett Hill and Cathy Griggs, the wife of former Trustee Merlin Griggs. Former superintendents M.B. “Sonny” Donaldson and Nadine Kujawa also attended. Dr. Bamberg’s husband Dave and son Josh were part of the proceedings as were family members from Alabama.
Prior to the dedication ceremony, a reception was held in the foyer of the facility. U.S. Congresswoman Sheila Jackon Lee presented Dr. Bamberg with a Congressional proclamation for her 41 years (she taught in Alabama for five years before moving to Houston) in education and her 36 years of dedicated service to Aldine ISD. Congresswoman Lee also presented Dr. Bamberg with a United States flag that flew over the U.S. Capitol.
The dedication ceremony began with introductions of the AISD Board of Trustees, Dr. Bamberg’s cabinet, and current and former administrators. The Aldine High School JROTC presented the colors and Carver High School student La’Jasha Champion led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance, the Pledge to the Texas flag and delivered the invocation.
A video highlighting Dr. Bamberg’s career was then shown, which was followed by a performance by the Nimitz High School mixed choir, under the direction of Melissa Dightman.
Following the performance, a number of elected officials presented Dr. Bamberg with proclamations.
Houston Mayor presented her a proclamation and announced that April 15, 2018 was “Dr. Wanda Bamberg Day” in the City of Houston. Aldine ISD Trustee Dr. Viola M. Garcia presented Dr. Bamberg a proclmation on behalf of State Senator Sylvia Garcia and the Texas Senate. State Rep. Armando Walle presented Dr. Bamberg a proclamation on behalf of the Houston of Representatives. Landon Reed, representing Harris Count Precinct 4 Commissioner Jack Cagle’s office, presented Dr. Bamberg a proclamation as well. All of the elected officials lauded Dr. Bamberg for her leadership and service to Aldine ISD and as a strong proponent and informed leader in education locally and across the state.
AISD Board President Steve Mead accepted the building on behalf of the Board of Trustess, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Carlos Barron accepted the building on behalf of the staff that will occupy it and Davis High School student Daniel Lopez accepted the building on behalf of the AISD student body and the Aldine community.
Dr. Bamberg then delivered her remarks. She thanked the Board for their support over the last 11 years and her family for their support. Dr. Bamberg also thanked her administrative team, district principals and staff for their service over the last 11 years, as well as the elected officials she worked closely during her tenure as superintendent.
Deputy Superintendent Dr. Archie Blanson delivered closing remarks.