Graduating seniors received scholarships last Tuesday night, at a ceremony in M.O. Campbell Center. 251 seniors received financial help toward their future college education. Awards were made by the Aldine Eduction Foundation (AEF) to 126 students, totaling $412,000 and Aldine Scholarship Fund (ASF) to 125 students, totaling $125,000. A total of 939 applications had been received, and a large committee of volunteers evaluated them to arrive at the recipients.
The program was attended by the students, their parents and families, and Aldine faculty and administrators. Emcee for the evening was AEF Director Michele McGovern. Welcoming remarks were made by Bill Ginder, the president of the AEF board, and Derrick Manns, vice-president of the Lone Star College-North Harris college. Superintendent Dr. Wanda Bamberg, retiring from office at the end of the year, gave her famous “Challenge” talk, to the enjoyment of the audience. Entitled “Last, First” she pictured all the Last events graduates would experience, but challenged them to make the most of their Firsts as they head off to college and their futures.
A highlight of the opening talks was made by Alex Elizondo, a previous scholarship recipient who is now studying at Houston Baptist University. Addressing the seniors, he said he felt good about their future. He admonished them to look at college as an opportunity to grow, but also to keep in mind who you are, know yourself, and be yourself. While at college, he said to be involved, and make the most of this opportunity.
Presentation of the 251 scholarships was made individually by Richard Cantu, president-elect of the AEF, and Michele McGovern, with the help of donors of the scholarships.
Among the many scholarships named for the donors, major amounts were made by the AEF Board, Aldine staff, East Aldine District, Noble Drilling, Aldine ISD, Lone Star College-North Harris, and many others. Scholarship amounts varied from $1000 to $20,000, the latter a generous award from Noble Drilling to each of 8 seniors over a 4 year period. East Aldine District awarded scholarships in the names of George Acosta, John Broussard, Vic Mauldin, and John Meinke, friends or past EAMD board members.
Closing remarks were made by Scott Brady, board member of the Lone Star College Foundation. After the ceremony, students took the time to remember the night with photos together.