Aug 01, 2018 – The event at the M.O. Campbell Educational Center will give families a chance to check out the District’s sports opportunities as well as performing arts programs that cheer, entertain and motivate our teams.
Why play sports? Aside from the many health benefits sports can help students develop skills that prepare them for college, career and life.
Students should play for the love of the game. However, sports can help students gain key lessons that will help them make the right moves. What if you don’t like to play sports but love to motivate, entertain or be a part of a team? The same skills learned in a traditional sport are gained in extracurricular programs like band and dance.
Reasons to Play Sports/Cheerleading & Join Extracurricular Activities Like Band & Dance
• Learn the importance of losing gracefully.
• Learn the value of hard work to achieve results.
• Unique opportunities like traveling as well as gaining maturity and perspective at a much younger age.
• They understand the value of teamwork; they learn to put time and effort into something productive.
• College scholarships are a reality. The long hours of training, commitment and dedication can pay off in a very real way!
• Teammates, coaches and instructors become family. Spending many hours a week together for years can create a bond that doesn’t just go away. Coaches and instructors become mentors to students, while students can keep each other accountable to the team.
The District’s athletics and performing arts programs have joined forces to put on the Aldine ISD Jamboree. The goal is to inform families about the various middle and high school programs and to find out their interests. However, expect a whole lot of noise, excitement and entertainment too!
Studies show link between participation in student activities and academic success.
Aldine ISD Sports Jamboree will take place on Aug. 13, 2018. Registration begins at 5 p.m., parents fill out a short card. This will help the District provide activities that meet the needs of a variety of student interests and abilities.
Jamboree Kick-Off: Begins at 6 p.m.; event ends at 8 p.m. at M.O. Campbell Educational Center, 1865 Aldine Bender Rd., Houston, TX 77032.