During the Dec. 18 Board meeting, Aldine ISD honored U.S. Congressman Gene Green for his decades of dedicated service to the school district.
Congressman Green is retiring after serving the North Houston area and Aldine for 25 years.
AISD thanked Congressman Green for his outstanding support of the district as a parent, a state representative, a state senator and as a U.S. Congressman. Mr. Green has supported Aldine ISD by holding an annual job fair at the M.O. Campbell Educational Center, he’s supported the district’s C.H.I.C.K.E.N Club, supported the district’s FFA students by purchasing student projects at the annual Sale of Champions, held financial and immunization workshops across the district and played in the M.B. “Sonny” Donaldson Golf Tournament, which benefits the Aldine Education Foundation.
Congressman Green has presented numerous American flags to Aldine schools and leaders. These flags have flown over the U.S. Capitol and are a symbol of appreciation and support for the community.
Congressman Green has constantly bragged about Aldine because the district is special to him. Both of his children are graduates of Aldine ISD and his wife Helen taught in the district for nearly 30 years.
The district presented Congressman Green with a piece of artwork that was produced by Eisenhower Ninth Grade student Asia Figueroa.