The District II Sheriff’s Safety Forum took place on Apr. 24, 2019 at the East Aldine Management Office.
There were approximately 25 residents, 5 CPAAA members, and numerous officers present.
Sgt. Scholwinski introduced officers present. He discussed crimes committed in D2 and shared crime statistics for the past year. Most statistics have shown a decrease with the exception of auto theft and burglary of motor vehicles.
Captain Koteras called these crimes of opportunity:
– Don’t leave items in your vehicles.
– Park your cars in your garage, if possible.
– Don’t leave your vehicles parked on the street.
– Lock your car when getting gas.
Non emergency phone numbers were given to the public to use to report concerns or questions.
Director Jaqueline Fortune discussed the CloseWatch Harris County app that public can use to send crime information. It is available in English and Spanish. She also emphasized that social media is for gaining information, not reporting emergency situations.
Sgt. Stormer shared info about the takedown of game-rooms within the district and other property nuisance issues.
Sgt. Johnson, Deputy Tilley, and two ladies from the Alarm Detail office gave a short presentation about home alarms. They discussed the need to register and obtain an alarm permit, the cost and how to register on line.
Questions were taken from the citizens and answered by the deputies. Refreshments were served.