Our first few months in Washington DC have been busy. With settling in of warmer weather and sunshine, our work on Capitol Hill has really been gearing up. I want to take this chance to fill you in on our work, our committee assignments, and our priorities for the people of Texas’s 29th Congressional District.
Committee Assignments
A big part of our work is done through committees, which are specialized groups of representatives who focus on certain issues throughout the year. Committee membership is chosen by the Speaker of the House. I am pleased to have received a seat on two very influential committees, the House Judiciary Committee and the House Financial Services Committee.
House Judiciary Committee
The House Judiciary Committee is charged with overseeing the administration of justice within the federal courts, administrative agencies and Federal law enforcement entities. The Judiciary Committee is also the committee responsible for impeachments of federal officials. My background as a lawyer and former judge has allowed me to make an immediate impact on the committee.
Additionally, I also sit on two House Judiciary subcommittees, the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties and the Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship. These subcommittees have kept us hard at work fighting what I believe is the White House’s anti-immigrant and anti-family agenda.
Major bills passed out of the House Judiciary Committee:
– HR 8: Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019
– HR 6: American Dream and Promise Act of 2019
– HR 5: Equality Act -H.R. 2374: the “Stop Significant and Time-wasting Abuse Limiting Legitimate Innovation of New Generics Act” or “Stop STALLING Act”
Financial Services Committee
The House Financial Services Committee’s jurisdiction casts a very wide net, overseeing banks and banking, economic regulations, commercial aid, money and credit lending, securities, housing, and urban development. Often, we’re responsible for oversight of executive economic policy, making sure that the White House, Wall Street CEOs, and multinational corporations are not only abiding by the law, but are making sound decisions on behalf of Americans on Main Street.
Presently, I serve on two subcommittees with the Financial Services Committee, the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee and the Diversity and Inclusion Subcommittee. These roles are essential for monitoring, reviewing, and supervising our financial system, ensuring that our economy is working for all Americans, no matter race, creed, color, or social status, and promoting fair policies so our families and businesses can succeed and prosper.
Major bills passed out of the Financial Services Committee:
– H.R. 1500: Consumers First Act
– H.R. 1856: Ending Homelessness Act 2019
– H.R. 1595: SAFE Banking Act
– National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Extension In District Happenings!
ITC Town Hall
Last month, we hosted a town hall on the ITC Fires. We were able to bring together the EPA, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Chemical Safety Board, Harris County Public Health, and the Harris County Fire Marshall for an extremely important discussion on how the accident has and could affect our health and our communities.
Thank you to the hundreds that showed up to listen and share your concerns with our community leaders. We will continue to keep a close eye on on-going environmental monitoring and hold those responsible accountable.
Visiting Senior Centers
In our first months in office, we have visited over 40 local senior centers to share updates of how we’re working to protect Medicare and Social Security in Washington. Whether I’m at a city or county facility in the city of Houston, or a church or community run center, our local seniors want Washington to work for the people. They want their grandchildren safe from gun violence, good jobs for their neighbors, and lower prescription drug prices. I take these stories back with me every time I step up those capitol steps to fight for you.
Congressional Art Competition
In perhaps one of my favorite events of the past few weeks, we held our annual Congressional Art Competition Awards Ceremony. High school students from around the district submitted more works this year than ever before – nearly 70! – and all were excellent!
Our top winner won a trip to Washington DC and will have their art displayed in the Capitol, but all of the participants presented really remarkable artworks. Art takes courage and I am so proud of our young people for using their gifts in such creative ways. Congratulations, again to this year’s winner Anthony Vega!
Thank you for taking time to keep up with the work I’m doing on your behalf. If I can be any assistance to you or your family, please reach out to my office at (832) 325-3150 or sylviagarcia.house.gov.