Harris County, you never fail to impress. Across the country, people are buzzing about the incredible numbers of voters we have had during our early vote period. By the time early voting shut down last Friday after 18 days,1,435,221 (or 57.85% of registered voters) had cast their ballots. That is well beyond the total number of voters for each of the entire 2016 and 2018 elections! You have come through this election season by volunteering to help folks register, working the polls, and generally offering one another the support and encouragement we all need to believe that we can make a difference. We are a strong, resilient, and driven community and we are determined to have our voices heard, both within Texas and across the country. I have never been more proud of our residents and our tireless poll workers who are making this incredible movement of civic participation happen.
And while you all are showing up for this election like never before, Harris County government has been working harder than ever before to make your voting experience what you need it to be. We are bending over backwards to make sure that our polls are safe for you to visit — by offering masks, hand sanitizer, wipes, and finger coverings, and ensuring social distancing. We tripled the number of early vote locations and worked with partners to open large accessible venues such as the Toyota Center, NRG, and BBVA Stadium. For the first time, we offered drive-thru voting and had a day in which polls were open 24 hours. We are doing everything we can to make the voting process what it should be — safe, secure, and accessible so that every eligible resident can confidently exercise their right to vote, and in the middle of a global pandemic, no less.
Tomorrow, November 3rd, is election day, your final day to vote. So many of you have already cast your ballots in this election, but, for those who haven’t, please don’t miss this chance to make history. If you requested a mail-in ballot, please drop it off at the county’s mail ballot drop-off location at NRG Park. If you’re voting in person, I promise it will be as painless as possible. I know you won’t let your county or your country down.
It’s never been easier or more important. Make a plan, make it happen, change our future — Vote!
Lina Hidalgo