One-time Check amounts will be $1000 to $1200
ALDINE – During the May 18 Board meeting, Aldine ISD Trustees approved a resolution to give all district employees a one-time incentive and retention payment. The Board of Trustees approved a resolution to give all employees a one-time incentive and retention payment of $1,500 to exempt staff (teachers and administrators) and $1,000 to non-exempt staff (hourly employees) for going above and beyond their duties and responsibilities during an unprecedented school year.
The Aldine ISD Board of Trustees has always been intentional when allocating financial resources, and has made it a priority to invest in recruiting, retaining, and developing the best team for Aldine ISD students and families. They believe without a doubt, that there is no better investment to make than in our incredible educators and staff.
At the meeting Superintendent Dr. LaTonya M. Goffney expressed that dedication shown by district staff has not gone unnoticed.
“Please accept this check on behalf of the Aldine ISD board of trustees as a tangible expression of appreciation for the dedication you bring to work each day. Thank you for teaching and working in extraordinary ways this school year.”
Staff can expect to receive their one-time check in June.
Board President Paul Shanklin said he was proud he and his fellow Trustees had the opportunity to thank Aldine ISD’s hard-working staff members.
“This last year has been challenging in so many ways, but our employees never wavered,” Mr. Shanklin said. “They came through for our students, parents and the community and we as a Board are proud we can show you all how much we value you and the work you have done.”
Board Vice-President Dr. Kimberley Booker also thanked the district’s employees.
“We can’t thank all of you enough for the long hours, the innovative ideas you came up with to continue educating, feeding, transporting and supporting our students. This bonus is well deserved by all of our devoted staff members,” she said.
Board Secretary Connie Esparza said she was impressed with how the district’s staff addressed on-line learning and other issues that arose during the pandemic. “Every time we asked questions, you had the answers,” she said. “You all were innovative and creative in your approach to on-line learning and we could not have gotten through this pandemic without all of you working as a team.”
Assistant Secretary Rose Avalos said she was not surprised by the way Aldine’s staff responded to the call to action.
“As a former educator, I know how important teamwork is, and we have a wonderful group of team members throughout Aldine who put their students and their community first,” Ms. Avalos said. “I am proud to be a product of this great school district and am proud to be a member of a Board that recognizes and rewards hard work.”
Board Member Dr. Viola M. Garcia, who serves of President of the National School Boards Association, said she was proud to share Aldine’s story with her cohorts from across the country.
“I love to brag to my cohorts across the country and in Texas about how special Aldine ISD is and it is truly a special place with so many special people,” Dr. Garcia said. “The dedication our teachers and staff show to our students and the community is something worth bragging about.”
Board Member Randy Bates was impressed with the work ethic displayed by staff members during the pandemic.
“As the newcomer to the Board, I have been impressed with the work ethic displayed by our teachers, child nutrition staff, custodians, operations personnel and our support staff. You put our kids first,” Mr. Bates said. “These bonuses are our way of saying we appreciate you and are so fortunate you chose Aldine ISD.”
Board Member Steve Mead said there is a special spirit among Aldine staff that shines through during challenging times.
“I’ve been in Aldine most of my life and I am always amazed of the can-do spirit that exists,” Mr. Mead said. “We faced many challenges when the pandemic began, but our wonderful staff was up to meeting those challenges and seeing to it that our students continued to learn. I’m glad we could say thank you with a little boost.”