FACE Share the Joy Event Makes Holidays Brighter for AISD Families
The first annual FACE (Family and Community Engagement) Department’s Share the Joy event made the holidays brighter for 250 Aldine families by providing coats and toys. On Thursday, Dec. 16, the event was held at the M.O. Campbell Educational Center.
The FACE Department created the event to give Aldine families the opportunity to have a warm and happy holiday season.
“It is so rewarding to have been able to help hundreds of Aldine families and know that our students will have presents on Christmas Day, thanks to the community’s generosity and our district staff,” said FACE Executive Director Dr. Martha Escalante. “I can proudly say that our first Share the Joy event was a great success. We are looking forward to keeping this event an annual Aldine ISD tradition.”
Parents who participated in the event were thankful that FACE and the district thought of them during the holiday season.
“Everything is beautiful. My kids are going to willifts,” said Odom Elementary parent Anabel Hernández.
“This is a nice event. It helps families that cannot afford to buy gifts,” said Dunn Elementary parent Lakand Leger.
“It’s really good! I got a jacket for my daughter,” said Keeble Primary parent Anastasia Santiago.
Throughout November, the FACE team collected coats and toys for children of all ages from district employees and community partners. FACE collected 1,200 items (toys and coats).
“We are beyond thankful for the incredible support of our teachers, staff, and community partners,” Dr. Escalante said. “Receiving so many donations ensured that we could reach even more families than we originally planned to reach.”
The Vardeman Holiday Christmas Concert was a huge success. Mrs. Cooper did an amazing job and her students performed Holiday songs! The Playlist Este Es La Navidad, SnowFlake, Celebramos Juntos, North Pole-Rock and Roll.
The decorations and sounds were spectacular. We are so proud of our students and staff for this Holiday Concert! Mrs. Cooper worked so hard and her performance was Splendid.
By Connie Esparza
In the spirit of giving at Christmas, the Castlewood Civic Club Board raffled 8 gift cards of $25 each to its residents.
In observance of the CDC guidelines, residents were asked to text or call President Connie Esparza and submit their name, address and phone number. Residents were asked to share the social media posting on Nextdoor with their neighbor who might not be on Nextdoor.
Drawing took place the morning of December 21st with the help of our very own Selina Valdez, Community Relations Liaison for Precinct 2. Winners were notified and arrangements were made for delivery of their gift card. The Castlewood Civic Club Board would like to thank all who participated and commits to this being an annual event. Congratulations to the Winners!”
See more information and photos about holiday events in the print or PDF editions.