ALDINE — Aldine ISD administration has announced that two aides at Jones Middle School have been fired after not stopping an attack on an 11- year-old boy.
This comes days after the surveillance video of the incident was released. The incident happened at Jones Middle School on Tuesday, Jan. 25.
Video of the incident shows the moment 11- year-old Sekai was attacked by another student. Amid the release of the footage, Sekai’s grandmother pleaded for accountability, as she said the aides did not step in to help the young boy.
“Those adults in that video just stood there. They didn’t attempt to help my child get up off the ground,” said Sekai’s grandmother, Veda Cavitt. “They did not offer him any assistance. They didn’t even check to see if he was injured.”

She said Sekai is 4 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 85 pounds. He is on the autism spectrum and is nonverbal.
On Tuesday, Aldine ISD officials only said that “appropriate administrative action” was taken. During an update on Thursday, the district sent the following statement:
“This incident should not have occurred. The district trains paraprofessionals in nonviolent crisis intervention techniques at the beginning of each school year, and will reinforce that training during the remainder of this year. As such, the district expects everyone to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates the proper regard for others and does not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety and emotional well-being of any student or staff member. Our district leaders will continue to work together to find solutions which provide a safe, healthy and nurturing learning environment in our schools in order to support academic achievement, respectful interactions and engagement.”