Rep. Walle Celebrates Holiday Season With Community Giveaways

This holiday season, Rep. Armando Walle and his office have worked with community partners and businesses to help families across House District 140.

Thanks to a collaboration between Walmart and BakerRipley, Rep. Walle was able to give away 31 window air conditioning units to families and seniors in need. Although the temperatures have just started to cool down across the state, these recipients will be prepared and able to stay safe and comfortable in their homes when temperatures spike.

Rep. Walle also worked with BakerRipley and Vistra Energy to host a “warming event” for seniors at the East Aldine Center in House District 140. Vistra distributed blankets and provided a hot meal for seniors in attendance.

This month, Rep. Walle also partnered with H.E.B. and Pastor David Smith with the Houston Northeast CDC to distribute 100 coupons for free turkeys ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday. In addition to giving those coupons to seniors at the warming event, Rep. Walle also provided coupons to students at Lone Star College Houston North and at La Promesa in Aldine ISD.

Rep. Walle said his office appreciated everyone’s help serving the community through these events, and look forward to finding more ways to spread the holiday spirit through the end of this year.