HOUSTON The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the State of Texas announced that the registration period for individuals affected by Tropical Storm Allison has been extended until Sunday, October 7, 2001, due to the number of people still enrolling for federal assistance.
We are still registering 200 to 250 people a day, State Coordinating Officer Duke Mazurek of the Texas Division of Emergency Management (DEM) said, and a large number of them are being found eligible for some form of assistance.
In addition, Federal Coordinating Officer Scott Wells of FEMA said, there are still many who have not returned their U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) low interest disaster loan application. It is critical to fill out and return that application. Those found ineligible for an SBA loan may be referred to a state-run grant program for help.
We want to ensure that all registrants avail themselves to all aid for which they may be found eligible, and extending the deadline will give everyone a little extra time to pursue that opportunity, Wells added.
Persons who suffered damage from the disaster and have not yet registered are urged to do so by calling the FEMA toll-free registration number at 1-800-462-9029. Hearing- or speech-impaired persons may call a TTY line at 1-800-462-7585.
Multilingual operators are available for assistance. The teleregistration lines are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week.