The Board of Directors of the Aldine Community Improvement District met in its regular monthly session at 7:00 p.m. on June 18 at Jeds ACE Home Center, 5415 Aldine Mail Route.
There was some confusion concerning the meeting place and several directors and interested residents went to the Aldine Y.O.U.T.H. Community Center at 4100 Aldine Mail.
At the May meeting Chairman Bailey expressed concern that the ACE location was not in compliance with the American Disabilities Act. David Hawes, Aldine CID Executive Director agreed to find an acceptable facility; he selected the Aldine Y.O.U.T.H. Center and the change was announced in this publication.
Later he was informed by Aldine CID attorney, Tim Austin, that the Board needed to vote on a resolution to move the meeting place before it could be done.
In the resolution passed Tuesday, the directors named not one but six acceptable meeting places including the Aldine Y.O.U.T.H. Community Center, the High Meadows Library, the James Driver Community Center, the Sheriffs Department Storefront, Mr. Austins office and the office of district managers, Hawes, Hill & Associates.
In other business, the Board received a report from the committee appointed at the May meeting to develop a district clean-up plan. The committee discussed a number of ideas including the recruitment of neighborhood volunteers, schools and youth groups to take part in a litter removal project, a hazardous waste materials collection day and a bandit sign removal project.
The District staff informed the committee that Aldine CID could not, at this time, sponsor any such projects because District managers (Hawes, Hill & Assoc.) had not yet obtained general liability insurance for the District, the directors, or the officers.
The next meeting of the Clean-Up Committee will be on July 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the Aldine Y.O.U.T.H. Community Center.
Susan Hill, Associate Executive Director, reported that she had requested bids from two companies that insure government entities and non-profits and expected to receive their offers before the July meeting.
If the District is unable to obtain insurance from one of those firms or two others suggested by Board members, it will have to rely on a municipal pool that Executive Director Hawes referred to as insurance of last resort.
Additionally, the Board discussed an application made to the Harris County Community Development Agency in 1999 for a grant in the amount of $100,000 to facilitate self-help community development projects in the Aldine community.
The grant application was made in the name of ALI, the Aldine Leadership Initiative, which was to be under the direction of the Aldine Community Improvement District.
The application was approved, but never funded because the legislation creating Aldine CID was vetoed by the Governor that year.
Susan Hill suggested that the Board consider making a similar application when HCCDA begins accepting new applications in November.
Finally, the Board discussed plans for members to meet with directors from other similar districts to share ideas and benefit from their experience. The retreat would enhance directors understanding of the districts functions and capabilities, increase their knowledge about available resources and give them the opportunity to develop a mission statement and strategic plan outline for the remainder of 2002 and 2003.
Ms. Hill reported current assets of $166,800 not including the remittance by the State Comptroller through June 11th of $117,567.
The next meeting of Board of Directors will be at the Aldine Y.O.U.T.H. Community Center, 4100 Aldine Mail Route, at 7:00 p.m. on July 16th. The public is invited to attend, and public comments will be accepted at the beginning of the meeting.