Today is Monday and it is a real workday. I just put in a couple hours (about all I can handle at one time) cutting weeds on my riverbank with an electric weed-eater. Somehow over the years the length and height of our riverbank property has enlarged.
Linda and I purchased this property along the beautiful River Coal (about two miles from downtown St. Albans) something over thirty years ago. I was in my early forties. Having almost two acres in lawn (complete with flowers, shrubs and trees) there is always something to do outside from March to November.
We enjoy working on the lawn but this world has changed for me. When I first bought our home 40, 50, 60lb. bags of lime, fertilizer, gravel or whatever it was no problem. I would sling them from one place to another with little trouble. Somehow over the years the 40lb. bags now weigh in at 60lbs or more. Did I miss something? Did the government change its weights and measures in the past few years?
Ive always used an electric weed-eater on the riverbank because it is lighter. I would cut my 550-foot strip in one eight-hour day and have little trouble. Now, the bank is higher and the strip has grown longer. The weed-eater is also heavier. What has happened?
Cutting the large lawn was no problem. Sometimes I would cut it all with the push-mower but now the mower is several pounds heavier and that seems silly. Now I am glad when I am finished trimming around the shrubs, trees, etc. Using the rider to give my butt a ride seems to be less restful now and I breath a sigh of relief when the job is done.
We have a nice fishpond (Lindas inspiration) in the back of our house at the top of the riverbank. I dug it, did the brickwork for the walk around it, built the waterfall and planted the shrubs. Now Im rebellious when Linda reminds me of repairs that need to be made. Who made these jobs harder than they were a few years ago?
And dont even talk to me about cutting down trees on the lot that were too big and then cutting the logs for use in the wood-burning stove! Every tree is bigger and every log is heavier than it used to be.
All three of our kids (now past or close to the age I was when we moved here) try to tell me the answer to the problem. But, what do they know? This younger generation just doesnt want to work like we do! Im not listening to them.
The government seems to be responsible for everything else. I think the government is responsible for my lawn care problems. Think Ill complain do my Congresswoman or Senator. That just might just do the trick!
Such are the people, places and things that have touched my life in my West Virginia home!