A woman was accosted in the parking lot of the H.E.B. market on Aldine-Westfield near Aldine-Mail last Thursday night, according to police reports, and a man with a knife demanded money. When she said she had no money, he forced her into her car and they drove to an ATM at a nearby convenience store.
At the ATM machine, the robber forced the woman to withdraw $300 cash from a machine inside the store. After the withdrawal, the woman started to scream for help and the robber fled, running toward nearby apartments. The robbery occured about 9 a.m. in the morning.
Constables and deputies began a search of the area. After several hours, the constables from Precinct 4 found the man in his apartment on Aldine-Westfield near Hirschfield, and arrested him. At press time his identity had not been released.