During their June 9 Board meeting, Aldine ISD Trustees unanimously approved salary increases for all employees.
The recommendations were made by Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Dr. Selina Chapa.
Trustees approved salary increases for teachers, nurses and librarians that range from 3.5-6%.
3.5% for teachers with 1 year of experience
4% for teachers with 2-5 years of experience
5% for teachers with 6-9 years of experience
6% for teachers with 10-19 years of experience
5% for teachers with 20 years of experience
3.5% for teachers with 21+ years of experience
Trustees approved a 3% salary increase for counselors, diagnosticians, social workers, principals, assistant principals, district administrators and all other campus and district based professionals with some equity adjustment or additional salary increases for employees who are making less than the “market” median.
Trustees approved a 5% salary increase for all paraprofessionals, clerical and auxiliary personnel.
Trustees also approved to increase starting teachers salaries from $50,000 to $51,000.
No increase in tax rate
During their June 9 Board meeting, Aldine ISD Trustees approved the budget for the 2015-16 school year. The general operating budget will be $665,660,880. The budget provides funding for all district operations, instructional programs and student activities.
Also during the June 9 Board meeting, Trustees approved the proposed tax rate for the 2015-16 school year. Anne-Marie Hazzan, assistant superintendent of finance, recommended the tax rate be set at $1.285888 (15.2500 cents for interest and sinking and $1.133388 for maintenance and operations). The 2015-16 tax rate will remain the same as it was during the 2014-15 school year. Aldine ISD Trustees will not be able to officially approve the proposed tax rate until the district receives the certified tax roll from the Harris County Appraisal District in late August. A notice of the proposed tax rate appeared in the Houston Chronicle and the Northeast News.