By Gilbert Hoffman and Teri Koerth
A number of water, sewer and mobility projects are underway in the Airlline District, with some of them reaching completion.
The most visible project is the rebuilding of part of Airline Drive. Funded by a $2.3 million grant from the Houston Galveston Area Transporttion Council, the project includes sidewalks, crosswalks, bus shelters, signal upgrades, medians, landscaping and a water line extension for public space irrigation.
The work is along Airline Drive, from Gulf Bank to Canino Road, with additional upgrades at the intersections of Gulf Bank at Sweetwater, and West Mount Houston at Sweetwater.
Water and Sewer projects include a $5.5 million water distribution and sanitary sewer system in the northwest section of the District, with an upgrade to the existing Blue Bell lift station. This work includes new water lines to 109 homes, and new sanitary sewers to 199 homes. In addition, 27 new fire hydrants are being added in the area. This work is underway, and scheduled to be complete early in 2017.
Work on the sewer system includes an almost 2 mile long force main, along Lillja Road to the Imperial Valley Wastewater treatment plant. This is funded by a $1.17 million grant from the Harris County Community Services Department, and the Airline District funds. Completion is due by October, 2016.
Part of the sewer work includes a lift station at Lillja and Aldine Mail Route, nearing completion. This was funded by a $1.2 million grant from Harris County Community Services Department CDBG funds and District funds. Lift stations are necessary to move sewage over long distances to a treatment plant.
Due to start construction later this year, is a water distribution project to serve residential properties along Aldine Mail Route and Hawkins, from Airline Drive to near Lillja Road; also along West Lorino Road from Airline Drive west towards Sweetwater Boulevard; and along Airline Drive from West Lorino to Raymac. This work will consist of 5500 feet of 8 inch water line, and 4100 feet of 12 inch water lines. Also included will be 20 new fire hydrants, and connections for new service to 95 locations. Funding for this project is a $1 million grant from the County, and District funds.