An exciting presentation was led by Rice University – Kinder Institute’s Dr. Stephen Klineberg at the North Houston’s Business Community Breakfast at the Hyatt Regency Intercontinental Airport Hotel on Oct. 31.
More than 100 guests gathered to hear the acclaimed expert on Houston’s changing demographics and to learn about the latest improvements for Greenspoint.
North Houston/Greenspoint Livable Centers Planning Study
Study Summary and Goals
The goal of the study is to create a plan for the study area that will define new, context-sensitive standards for the North Houston District that foster multi-modal access and connectivity, a mix of land uses, a diversity of housing options, and a sense of place. The study results in a forward-looking vision and practical implementation strategies that consider responsible stewardship of the North Houston District’s existing resources to best meet anticipated population growth.
Study Area Map
The North Houston/Greenspoint Livable Center Study area is roughly bounded by East Hardy Road to the east, Rankin Road to the north, IH-45 to the west, and Beltway 8 to the south. The study area includes Greenspoint Mall, and includes multi-family neighborhoods along Greens Road and Imperial Valley Drive.