Aldine ISD to start first 3 weeks of school virtually August 17
Aldine ISD’s re-entry plan, Return to Learn, will now have all students learning virtually from home for at least the first three weeks of the 2020- 2021 school year. The 2020- 21 school year begins Monday, August 17.
“We are thankful that the TEA made the decision to allow districts to use virtual learning as an option for the first three weeks,” Superintendent Dr. LaTonya M. Goffney said. “Aldine will take advantage of this option. Regardless of the model families select — Learning At Home or Learning On Campus — the first three weeks of school will be virtual. As we move forward, we must remain flexible as we continue to monitor the conditions in Harris County and Houston. We will open as fast as we can but as slow as we must.”
Goffney emphasized that the academic school year begins on August 17. She stressed that the three-week remote learning period would help facilitate and ease the transition of the on-campus, back-to-school process for staff and families. The time will also be used for teacher training and planning. The district will continue to monitor local health conditions and reassess as needed throughout the school year.
“Teachers are the oil in this machine. Without them, we can’t begin to educate students. Their safety has always been top of mind as we make plans to return to school,” said Goffney. “Our Teaching and Learning team continues to improve our online learning processes and is developing training and professional development so that teachers are prepared to teach in both settings.”
The district’s current plan has all Aldine ISD teachers reporting to campuses this fall, whether they are supporting traditional on-campus learning or virtual classes. Final assignments will be based on student enrollment and the number of students who selected each instructional model.
Since launching its commitment form on Monday, the district has received more than 19,000 submissions, with more than 70% of families selecting virtual learning. Families were given the option of choosing one of two learning models. The commitment form is available for Aldine ISD students until Sunday, July 19. All parents are encouraged to select the option that best meets the needs of their children. Any family who does not have Internet access or devices for distance-learning may also request a device from the school district.
During the three-week virtual learning period, there will not be any UIL or campus activities.
Aldine ISD is following guidelines released by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) on July 7, 2020, and will also continue to adhere to the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention and state and local measures as well as its Core Beliefs in all reopening decisions.
Families can stay updated on the district’s plans and preparations by visiting AISD’s new school Return to Learn page: www.aldineisd.org/returntolearn.