Kowis Street rebuild will tie together Pct. 2 trails with Driver Park & Northeast Community Ctr.

NOTES ON THE DRAWING: A. Halls Bayou, Seating Area, benches, special paving, landscaping B. 10' high concrete wall screening wastewater treatment plan, faux vine covered lattice, new street trees, painted murals on wall C. new onstreet parking for church, decorative LED street lights, enhanced landscaping D. 8' sidewalk from Comm. Ctr. to Halls Bayou, Crosswalk special paving, seating along walkway with benches, special paving and landscaping E. same F. crosswalk at Bentley Street with special paving, 8' trail/walk ends here with James Drive Park beyond, bus shelter on Bentley The public is asked for feedback, especially on the area marked SEE OPTION ENLARGEMENTS where Kowis meets Halls Bayou trails. Send comments to Pct. 2, Amery Reid, at 713-274-2356, or amery.reid@pct2.hctx.net.
A. Halls Bayou, Seating Area, benches, special paving, landscaping
B. 10′ high concrete wall screening wastewater treatment plan, faux vine covered lattice, new street trees, painted murals on wall
C. new on-street parking for church, decorative LED street lights, enhanced landscaping
D. 8′ sidewalk from Comm. Ctr. to Halls Bayou, Crosswalk special paving, seating along walkway with benches, special paving and landscaping
E. same
F. crosswalk at Bentley Street with special paving, 8′ trail/walk ends here with James Drive Park beyond, bus shelter on Bentley
**The public is asked for feedback, especially on the area marked SEE OPTION ENLARGEMENTS where Kowis meets Halls Bayou trails. Send comments to Pct. 2, Amery Reid, at 713-274-2356, or amery.reid@pct2.hctx.net.**

Commissioner Garcia’s Vision in Progress

By Jada Mier

EAST ALDINE – Commissioner Adrian Garcia continues his mission to improve the economic, social, and environmental conditions of Precinct 2 with his Kowis Street reconstruction project.

The Northeast News spoke with Garcia and his Project Manager, Ray Guerra, who says, “This project is the first in Texas seeking Envision verification,” which specializes in sustainable infrastructure.

Although still in its study phase, Garcia hopes to put the project up for bid in the second quarter of next year. The reconstruction of Kowis Street from the Halls Bayou Hike and Bike Trail to James Driver Park is part of his plan to connect the whole precinct through their parks, hike, and bike trails.

Improvements will be made to the existing bridge connecting two 8 ft trails. A crosswalk and a landscaped median will be added to Royale Pine as it transitions into Kowis street.

The project’s cost is 4.8 million dollars, including traffic calming concepts and pedestrian streetlights. It’s important to him that this project does not “intrude in the quality of life of the homeowners around the area” this means ensuring that the draining aspects of the project are environmentally friendly. “We are dependent on corporate vendors to participate, and the prime contractor is Cobb Fendley, RG Miller engineers will do the envision verification, and M2L associates will do the landscaping,” Garcia says. Holloway will do the community engagements and understand the environmental aspects. Precinct 2’s Dr. Guerra as well as Harris County Engineering Department were also intimately involved in the project.

Garcia decided that the development of James Drive Park and Kowis Street would be all-inclusive. He said when he came into office, he wanted to make sure he was representing everyone, and that people felt welcomed and invited to use their amenities. Although the special needs community has not been a part of his personal life, he has had experience with the community throughout his life and career as a police officer, sheriff, and council member. As a sheriff, he was supportive and dealt with the mentally and physically disabled challenges and those who went through the county jail system. As a county commissioner, he was not going to leave those commitments behind. Under his administration, he did not want to only do what they have always done; he wanted to make sure that people knew that he cared about the community. The park aids in Garcia’s mission by allowing those with and without disabilities the chance to experience the park side by side.

Planners offered three Options where Kowis Street meets Halls Bayou trails.