ALDINE – The Green Forest Civic Club combined with workers from Pct. 2, to initiate a new program from Commissioner Adrian Garcia, called “Adopt-A-Block.” This combined effort targets a particular neighborhood or street in Precinct 2, and with county employees and local volunteers, a thorough clean-up makes the environment shine.
The first street chosen for this program was Vickery, from Aldine Mail Route to Lauder Road. Workers and volunteers met last Saturday, April 24 in front of Oleson Elementary school, and spent several hours working.

Marina Sugg, president of the Green Forest Civic Club, had this to say about the clean-up effort and the volunteers:
Yes, it was hot, and we sweated, but can you imagine that we all had fun and ended the event with a happy heart. Doing for your community can fill your heart with pride and joy. I can attest to that! Thank you to all the volunteers from the various neighborhoods that came to help the Green Forest Civic Club with this project: Adopt-a-County Road—Keeping Precinct 2 Beautiful!
Volunteers: Ben and Eva Garza, Roxanne Jimenez, Timothy Molinar, Veronica Sanches, Marina and Kenneth Sugg, Guadalupe Jimenez, Ruben Salazar, Armando Cardona, Ann Brown Lamott, Denise Rath, Shirley Ronquillo, Myriam Saldivar, and Seth Eldridge. Thanks also to Olsen Ele and Aldine ISD for letting us use their lawn, to East Aldine District for the use of their tent, to Esmeralda Cervantes for donating the funds for the beautification of our sign, and to Lucy Hernandez who missed all the fun, but came there straight from work. Special thanks to Nelson Espitia, Selina Valdez, the Pct 2 Crew, and Deputy Tommy Berry for putting together this event. Very special thanks to State Representative Armando Walle and Commissioner Adrian Garcia for their certificates of recognition to GFCC, and a big THANK YOU! to Commissioner Garcia for our two beautiful Adopt-a-CountyRoad signs. It was truly a blessed day!
Ben Garza, Eva Garza and Mr. Eldridge had the hardest clean-up. They cleared a big pile of junk someone had dumped. Kenneth Sugg edged and scraped up one section of road with a fancy shovel. Then the street sweeper came through and swept it all up. This team also cleaned and weeded the Boreas Street pedestrian bridge. Looks real nice now.