ALDINE – In July 2021, the Flood Control District began construction of the P518-11-00 stormwater detention basin, located between Halls Bayou and Isom Street.
Bond Project C-25 is part of the Halls Implementation Program, a watershed-wide effort to implement the 12 flood risk reduction projects identified in the 2018 Bond Program. This approximately 180 acre foot wet-bottom stormwater detention basin is expected to hold approximately 59 million gallons of water, or 89 Olympic-sized swimming pools, once complete.
This project is funded by the 2018 Bond Program and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Development Block Grant for Disaster Recovery program.
Construction equipment will access the work area via Aldine-Westfield Road. The contractor will use heavy construction equipment such as dump trucks, excavators, and bulldozers to remove trees, vegetation, and excavated soil. Motorists are urged to be alert to truck traffic when passing near construction access points and along truck routes.
Project ID# P518-11-00- E001
Contractor – Lecon, Inc.
Contract Amount – $5,913,715.10
Construction Start – July 2021
Construction Duration – 234 calendar days
The Flood Control District appreciates your patience through the duration of this project. Should you have questions or comments, please contact us at or visit the project page at